Monday, April 4, 2011

Minutes of the March Meeting

Tree City Quilt Guild
March 14, 2011


Call to Order by president, Mabel Stocker. She thanked the refreshment committee of Effie Troyer, Jim Rawdon, and Terry Giet. New members and guests were introduced.

If you have any corrections or additions to the Program book, contact Jane Richardson so she can put them in the newsletter

Birthdays were announced by Dorothy Pearson, Sunshine committee. Donna Williams fell and cracked her arm and is in a splint. Please let Dorothy know of anyone else sick or in need of a card.

Secretary’s report was available on the tables and in the newsletter. It was approved as written.

Treasurer’s report was read by Jane Richardson. The total as of 3/6/11 is $4,600.88. This includes recent funds from NEORQC and the raffle baskets at the NEROQC meeting in Wooster.

No old business

New business

The church had asked to have the filing cabinet with our library books removed from the room we were storing it in. This has been done, and the cabinet will be up for auction next month.

The April meeting will be on binding, mitered corners, miniature quilts and questions presented by Linda Miller, the judge for our last quilt show.

Mabel asked for a volunteer to be the guild historian to organize photos of past events and programs books. Please contact Mabel if interested.

Mabel asked for a volunteer to be a Kitchen coordinator to keep the kitchen stocked for the refreshment committees. Pat Hall volunteered.

Jane Richardson passed around a sheet for volunteers to bring quilted items to display at the Wayne County Choral Union’s event in May at the high school. There will be displays of local crafters, including potters and quilters items. The Choral Union will sing as will the Canton Hall of Fame Barbershop group.

Vicky Hartzler asked anyone interested in trading ‘I Spy” blocks to bring them next month. The way it works, is to agree with another person about the number of blocks you two will exchange. That way you can choose the items or blocks you want for your quilt. Vicky wants 4 ½” blocks, and some want 6” blocks. Bring what you would like to collect.

The Akron Art Museum will have an exibit "Kaleidoscope Quilts: The Art of Paula Nadelstern" from June 18 to October 2, 2001. This will correspond with the lecture and demo Laura Noletti is doing in June 28, on kaleidoscope quilts.

The NEORQC meeting went well, as financially profitable and members reported enjoying it.

Committee Reports

Workshop Committee: The workshop on Saturday, 3/19/11 is on the expandable bag, presented by Dorothy Pearson fron 9 am ot 2pm. Instructions are with Dorothy; fee is $5.00.

Retreat Committee: Janice Miller reported that there are still 20 people signed up for the retreat. All members may attend the lecture on 4/30/11 for free; dinner and the lecture costs $22 and is an option for members. Please mention the retreat to friends, as the hope is to have closer to the 35 maximum participants.

Picnic Committee: Effie Troyer reported that the challenge will be a table runner using any fabric or pattern. Bring a covered dish and table service. Beverages will be provided.

Program was presented by Mary LouNuzum on preparing fabric, cutting, accurate sewing, matching and other tips on piecing and curved piecing.

Show and Tell was extensive and inspiring.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Vicky Hartzler.

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