Monday, October 11, 2010

Minutes of September Meeting

Minutes of September Meeting

Laura Noletti, President, called the meeting to order. The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as presented in the Newsletter. She thanked the refreshment committee of Mary Lou Nuzum, Barb Byler and Jane Richardson.

Sally gave a final report on the quilt show. Mabel Stocker made a motion to send $1000 to Ida Sue School and $1000 to Bridges of Hope; seconded by Jane; then the motion was amended to be $1500. was; motion passed.

Workshops: Nancy Danby reminded everyone of the UFO at Parkview Church on Sept. 23. There will be Purse workshop, taught by Nancy, on Oct. 30. Bring the usual items.

The stash attack was won by Peggy Hodge. Laura congratulated the Fair winners - Jeri. Vicky, and Janet; and Mabel thanked the demonstration ladies at the Fair.

Community project - The Pregnancy Care Center asked for a quilt to be used as a raffle quilt. Vicky will donate one to them.
Nominating committee of Donna Willams and Jane Richardson presented a slate of officers for 2011-12:
V.P. Cassie Anderson; Secretary Vicky Hartzler (1 year); Treasurer Jane Richardson; Members At Large Bev Haven and Pat hall. Voting will take place at Nov. meeting.
Christmas Committee - had no report - but watch the news-letter.
2011 Retreat Committee- presented by Vicky. 2 instructors have been lined up - one for beginners and on for more advanced quilters. Hilton Garden Inn is the place - Apr.29,30 and May 1. Vicky made a motion to continue with the plans for the retreat, Cassie second; motion passed. Mary Lou made a motion to spend the $250 on the place, second by
Janice; motion passed.

Octobers meeting will be "Unusual Borders" by Betty Hostetter and Effie Troyer.

Respectfully submitted,
Jane Richardson, Secretary

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