Monday, February 1, 2010

Minutes of January Meeting

Tree City Quilter's Guild

Minutes of January 11, 2010 Meeting
Laura Nolletti, President, opened the meeting, announcing that refreshments will be first, then the business meeting and program. She thanked the refreshment committee of Sally, Janice and Donna.

Sunshine committee reported Marion Wellert has shingles.

Treasurer's report: $3,507.49

Secretary's report: the minutes of the Dec. meeting were attached to the newsletter.

Quilt show committee: Sally requested members come to a meeting on Monday at 4 pm. New members welcome.

Workshops: Nancy Danby sent a sign up list for "Sally's Jacket" workshop.

Old Business: none

New Business: Laura Nolletti presented the program "Stash Attack". Laura's thrust for the year is to "use up your stash". There will be a contest with prizes monthly.

The Mystery Quilt - Step #1 was handed out.

There will be a "Block Swap" using fall fabrics with cream background.

Show and Tell was the end of the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane Richardson, Secretary

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