Sunday, May 2, 2010

Minutes of April Guild Meeting

Minutes of the April 12th meeting

The meeting was chaired by Mabel Stocker, vice president.

She thanked the refreshment committee of Dorothy, Mary Green, Janice Miller and Mabel. There were 3 guests present:Toni Phillips, Angie Burkhardt, and Dot Anderson.

Janice Miller reported a sympathy card had been sent to Dorothy Pearson.

The minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed.

No treasurer's report.

No old business.

New business: We sold 400+ raffle tickets at the Amish County Quilt show. Regarding our quilt show in Aug. Sally reported on the shows progress and talked about the list of categories. Nancy Danby sent around the latest sing-up sheets.

The May meeting will be Helping Hands showing and talking about "What's New".

Volunteers for the baby quilts for 2011 can be offered on a sign-up sheet.

Regarding the July picnic - there will be a game of making something for someone matching color chips of their initials.

Stash attack projects were shown.

Mary Lou Nuzum presented the program for tonight -

"Thread Embellishing- Whole Cloth Thread Art".

Next was show and tell.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane Richardson, Sec.

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