President’s Letter
February is finally behind us and we can look forward to being that much closer to Spring, although our current chilly temps and snowremind us Spring is still just a dream. I hope all of you are spending lots of time completing your quilts for the Quilt Show. And we are always happy to accept your contributions to our TCQ Boutique.
We have had a change in our Guild Board. I’m sorry to tell you that Mary Schultz has resigned due to health issues. Please keep Mary in your thoughts and prayers as she works to get back on her feet. She served so well as our Secretary for the past 14 months. We will miss her. We are fortunate to be able to announce that DorrieMiller agreed to be our new Secretary. Welcome, Dorrie.
I want to send a very special thank you to Kay Nixon for teaching our very first Beginning Quilting Class. I heard good reports on the class, and Kay will tell us about it at the March meeting. Thank you, Kay for helping our beginning quilters get started on what may be a lifetime of enjoyment.
Remember our Sew Day on March 9. It will be held in theFellowship Hall at Parkview, not the Fireside Room. Our programfor March’s meeting, “Quick Tricks and Tools,” will be presented byNoella Kalal from Quilters Source in Parma. Noella will also vend, starting at 6:30, in the Fellowship Hall. So come early to shop before our meeting starts. Monday will be a perfect day—quilting all day with friends, followed by shopping with Noella, and then hearing some wonderful tricks of the trade that will help you use the fabric you buy.
I’ll leave you with this quote from my friend, Kathy Ott: “We are blessed to have such a wide range of talented and giving people in our guild.” This is so true. And I love you all.
Happy Quilting!
New Members: Be sure to add to your Directory.
• David Brown
• Mary McVay
Sew Day. This coming Monday, March 9, we will have a Sew Dayin the Fellowship Hall, the room where we usually hold our monthly meetings. Bring your machine and a project to work on. We will each have a table to work at. Bring a light if you have one because the room lighting is not the best. Also, extension cords or power strips can be helpful. You can come and go any time between 11 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Bring your own beverage(s). Lunch and dinner are on your own. This is always a fun and relaxed day. We get to know each other better and share laughter and quilting hints as we sew, sew, sew.
Note: All Quilts of Valor for the quilt show must be turned in to Susan Bateman by the March guild meeting.
No Frills Retreat, Saturday, March 28 (9 a.m. – midnight) & Sunday, March 29 (9 a.m. – 6 p.m.). You can come any time during these hours or you can come and go as your schedule permits.
• Registration fee: $10 for one day; $20 for entire retreat. Cash or checks are accepted. Checks should be made payable to Shirley Rodgers.
• Payment is due by the guild’s March meeting.
• Location: Somewhere Sewing,11004 Co Rd 320, Millersburg.
• Bring a dish to share for our pot luck meals. Coffee, water and paper products provided by the guild. Refrigerator and microwave are available.
• Debbie from Somewhere Sewing gives our guild members who are registered for the No Frills Retreat a 20% discount on purchases. Thank you, Debbie.
• Quilt Entry Forms are due to Stacie Miller.
• Quilt Story Forms for any Vintage Quilts you are showing at the Quilt Show are due to Janet McFarland.
Thursday, April 2 – Saturday, April 4. Denise Snyder needs volunteers to sell TCQ raffle tickets at our booth at the Sew & Quilt Expo at the IX Center in Cleveland. Times help is needed are:
• Thurs., April 2, 3:30 p.m.– 6:15 p.m.
• Fri., April 3, 9:30 a.m.– 12:30 p.m..
• Sat., April 4, 9:15 a.m. – noon
• Sat., April 4, noon – 2:30 p.m.
• Sat., April 4, 2:30 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.
See the email attachment (TCQ Sew & Quilt Expo 2020.pdf) for additional information about the Expo. If you would like to help at the Expo but need a ride, see Denise.
Monday, April 13. TCQ Meeting, 7:00 p.m. Jeri Fickes will explain the HOPS Program (Honoring Our Patriots’ Service) which is being planned in conjunction with the Fair Board and will be held during the Wayne County Fair.
Jeri and Laura Nolletti will also bring our program that evening: “Choosing Colors for Kaleidoscope Quilts.”
• Seller’s Agreement Form is due to Kay Nixon.
• Quilt Story Forms. If you can’t print your Quilt Story Forms, your information must be turned in to Susan Bateman tonight.
• Money for Raffle Tickets or unsold tickets should be turned in to Tonya Wellert or Denise Snyder tonight.
Wednesday, April 15.
• Waiver of Liability Form due when you turn in your quilts.
• Quilt Story Forms due when you turn in your quilts.
Friday, May 1. 9:00 a.m. – Noon. Handwork Group, Fellowship Hall, Parkview Church of Christ.
Saturday, May 2. 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Dresden Folly Quilt, Jeri Fickes. Fireside Room, Parkview Church of Christ.
Monday, May 11. TCQ Meeting, 7:00 p.m. Kathy Ott and Joyce Bauer will bring our program, “Hawaiian Quilts.” The material for the program is being furnished by Mary Schultz. Thank you, Mary. Joyce used to live in Hawaii so she will be able to share some of her experiences. If you have a Hawaiian quilt that could be displayed at the meeting, see Kathy or Joyce.
Friday, June 5. 9:00 a.m. – Noon. Handwork Group, Fellowship Hall, Parkview Church of Christ.
***Monday, June 8 Guild Meeting Change of Location & Time. Please make a note that our meeting on June 8 will be held at the Wayne County Public Library, Conference Room East,
220 W.Liberty St. and will start at 6:30.
Friday, July3. 9:00 a.m. – Noon. Handwork Group, Fellowship Hall, Parkview Church of Christ.
Monday, July 13, 6:00. TCQ Picnic, First Church of God, 1953 Akron Rd., Wooster. Note change in time.
Saturday, July 18. 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Community Projects Committee’s Pillowcase Workshop, Fireside Room, Parkview Church of Christ.
Friday, August 7. 9:00 a.m. – Noon. Handwork Group, Fellowship Hall, Parkview Church of Christ.
Monday, August 10. TCQ Meeting, 7:00 p.m. Trunk show and vending with Chris Brauning from Anything Sews in Dover, Ohio.
Tuesday, August 18 & 25, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Diamond Jubilee Bargello Quilt. Laura Nolletti. Fireside Room, Parkview Church of Christ.
Friday, September 4. 9:00 a.m. – Noon. Handwork Group, Fellowship Hall, Parkview Church of Christ.
***Monday, September 21 – Note date is 3rd Monday, 7:00. Program and vending by Debbie from Polka Dot Pincushion in Richfield, Ohio.
Friday, October 2. 9:00 a.m. – Noon. Handwork Group, Fellowship Hall, Parkview Church of Christ.
Saturday, October 10. 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Jane Richardson’s Table Runner Workshop, Fellowship Hall, Parkview Church of Christ.
Monday, October 12. TCQ Meeting, 7:00 p.m. Ginger Mangie will bring our program, “Embellish with Relish,” and vend her patterns. Kathy Ott and I met Ginger at the NEORQC Retreat a couple weeks ago. We saw her work and knew we had to get her to visit us in Wooster. This will be a great program.
Friday, November 6. 9:00 a.m. – Noon. Handwork Group, Fellowship Hall, Parkview Church of Christ.
Saturday, November 7. 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. “Collage Animals” by Sarah Bistline. Fireside Room, Parkview Church of Christ.
• Julie Williams. Add date joined: 2020
2 Quilt Frames – FREE! Available from Naomi Lance, 330-264-1873.
Kevin Horst had foot surgery. Send Kevin a card to cheer him up. He expects to be laid up for 12 weeks with no weight bearing. As long as he can get his left foot under his sewing table, he plans to work on his UFOs! Way to go, Kevin! The email for Kevin that we have listed in the membership book is his work email ( and since he will be off work for at least 4 months, please use
Please note this change in quilt entry information for the quilt show:Due to space restrictions, Quilts of Valor and the theme challenges ARE to be included in the five items allowed for each guild member.
• Volunteers needed to help Vicky Hartzler with the Workshop Committee. She would like help scheduling one moreworkshop. Committee volunteers attend a couple workshops during the year to help with class set up and clean up. Contact Vicky at 330-465-4209 or
• ***Mary Schultz took over as our Newsletter Editor in January. We desperately need to replace her. Contact Marilyn or Frank if you would like to help. We need someone to type the newsletter. Marilyn will email it out to the membership.
• Cash Boxes – Judy Mallonn needs cash boxes for the Quilt Show. Please see her at the March meeting or email her ( if you have a cash box she can borrow.
• The Community Projects Committee needs volunteers to make first baby quilts for hospitals in Wooster and Orrville.Shirley Rodgers makes the labels for the quilts and Kay Nixon hand crafts tags that say, “Made especially for you by the Tree City Quilt Guild.” Our thanks to Shirley and Kay for adding a special touch to the quilts. Contact Frank Meshewor Shirley Rodgers if you are interested.
• The Workshop Committee is still looking for a teacher for a landscape quilting class. If you know someone who is qualified, please contact Vicky Hartzler.
Church of the Nazarene
3100 Oak Hill Rd., Wooster
QUILT CATEGORIES. (TCQ Quilt Categories 2020.pdf) Refer to this form to help you fill out your Quilt Entry Form. It tells you all the categories of quilts in our show.
QUILT ENTRY FORM. (TCQ Quilt Entry Form 2020.pdf) This form MUST be filled out and turned in to Stacie Miller absolutely no later than April 1. You can bring it to the March guild meeting or the No Frills Retreat or email it to Stacie at or mail it to her at 7177 Valley Road, Wooster, OH 44691. If you have questions, please call or text Stacie at 330-465-1217.
If you are entering items like bags, table runners, placemats, etc. that can be displayed on a table and not hung, mark "TABLE" on the entry form. These items will not count toward your five allowed items.
***Due to space restrictions, Quilts of Valor and the theme challenges are to be included in the five items allowed for each guild member.
WAIVER OF LIABILITY FORM. (TCQ Waiver of Liability Form2020.pdf) Sign this form and bring it with you when you turn in your quilts for the show on Wed., April 15. Each member who enters a quilt must sign one of these forms. This is a requirement of the church.
QUILT STORY FORM. (TCQ Quilt Story Form 2020.pdf) This is a "fill-able" form. You can open this form and fill it in on your computer, print it and bring it Wednesday, April 15 when you turn in your quilts. Try to limit the story to the area provided. If you cannot fill out the form on your computer, print the form (or pick up one at the March or April guild meeting), write in the information and give or e-mail it to Susan Bateman by the April meeting (April 13). Every quilt must have a printed quilt story. A quilt story is simply information about your quilt, a story behind your work. Include the name of the pattern you used, any special techniques you used, who it was made for and for what occasion.
SELLER’S AGREEMENT FORM. (TCQ Seller’s Agreement Form2020.pdf) This form must be signed and turned in to Kay Nixon at our April guild meeting.
• Quilts do not have to have hanging sleeves or labels, but the name of the guild membershould be attached to the back somehow for identification.
• NEW THIS YEAR. Denise Snyder is creating a Will Call List which will be kept at the ticket table at the entrance to the Quilt Show. This will allow you to pre-pay admission for family and friends. See Denise Snyder at the March or April guild meetings to pay for tickets and put names on the list. Make checks payable to Tree City Quilters.
• Tonya Wellert will be organizing coffee and cookie sales for the show. If you would like to donate some cookies or baked treats, contact Tonya.
• Raffle Tickets. All guild members should have received raffle tickets to sell. Please turn in money collected and unsold tickets to Tonya Wellert or Denise Snyder by the April guild meeting. Make checks payable to Tree City Quilters. See the Dates to Remember section of the newsletter if you would like to help sell raffle tickets at the IX Center, April 2, 3 or 4. See Denise Snyder if you can help.
• Vintage Quilt Display. Would you like to share a quilt made by your Grandmother or Great-Aunt? Our Vintage Quilt Display is full of beautiful heirloom quilts. If you shared your heirloom quilts at our last Quilt Show, bring them back this year. People love to see them. Vintage quilts are to be turned in to Janet McFarland on Wed., Apr. 15.
In addition to our vendors, our guild has a table set up in the foyer where we sell items supplied by guild members. Here are some suggestions of items you might put in our Boutique:
• Quilting books. NO MAGAZINES.
• Fabric. Must be neatly pressed, folded and in an appropriately sized Baggie
• Fabric bundles. Must be clearly marked and securely tied.
• Kits (as long as they have not been started.)
• Homemade items such as bags or purses, coasters, etc. All items must be completed.
It is up to you to determine a price for your items. Each item must have a tag or label that is clearly marked with the quantity, price, seller’s initials and Vendor Number. This number will be assigned when you turn in your Seller’s Agreement Form.
Items for the Boutique should be brought to the Church of the Nazarene on Thursday, April 16 as close to 9:30 a.m. as possible. You must pick up any unsold items by 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 18. The total sales for your items will be figured by the Boutique Committee; 10% will be deducted and given to the guild; and a check from the guild will be written to you.
We need lots of volunteers to help us with the Quilt Show. Sign upsheets will be available at the March and April guild meetings. Here is a list of jobs you can volunteer for and the times we need you:
Wed., April 15, 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. Check in quilts. Verify that entries are properly completed. Measure quilts. Check quilts to verify they’re properly categorized. Put quilts on labeled tables, designated by category.
Thurs., April 16. Three shifts: 9-11:30; 11:30-2; 2-3:30. Hang quilts. Set up entry area, boutique tables, raffle table. Assist vendors, if needed.
Fri., April 16. Three shifts: 9-12; 12-3; 3-6. Work at entry and raffle tables. Cruise quilt room/help wherever needed. Work at boutique table.
Sat., April 17. Three shifts: 9-11:30; 11:30-2; 2 till tear down is finished. Work at entry and raffle tables, Cruise quilt room/help wherever needed. Work at boutique table.
Tear Down on Saturday requires as many people as we can get. Quilts and other items will be stacked by names for their pick up by entrants. No quilts can leave the building until all quilts have been taken down and accounted for.
Laura Nolletti sent a note to me about the Quilts of Compassion Disaster Response Team. I have shared it with our Community Projects Committee. If we do not include this program in our guild projects, I thought some of you might want to participate on your own. Sometimes when this type of devastating event happens, we don’t know what we can do to help. This article is for those of you who would like to help these people who have lost so much. - Marilyn