Tree City Quilters’ Guild
The purpose of this organization shall be to create, stimulate, and maintain an interest in all matters pertaining to the making of quilts and to establish and promote educational endeavors through quilts
Meeting: November 13, 2017; 7:00 pm
Parkview Church of Christ
1912 Burbank Road
Wooster, OH 44691
Hello Tree City Quilters
Welcome to November it’s the start of getting ready for the upcoming holidays and family gatherings. To me this time of year is about family and enjoying each other’s company.
This month we will have several stations set up for last minute ideas for gifts. If your stuck on what to make for someone I hope we can give you a idea that is not overwhelming.
Remember that is our election this month for next year’s officers. Please give support to all our members that have volunteered their time for these positions.
In Stitches
Sarah B.
We had 55 people attend the October meeting; 53 members and 2 guests. Please sign up to assist with committees at the next 2 meetings. We all lead busy lives but it takes all of us to keep Tree City Quilters’ functioning.
This year’s challenge will be a UFO one I want you to write 8 projects on two index cards; one for you and one to turn in to me at the February meeting with $5.00. You can label your projects as follows:
1. WIPS- works in progress
2. UFO- un finished projects Whatever YOUR #2 is on the list….It is due by the JULY Meeting
3. Nfufo- nearly finished ufo Whatever YOUR #3 is on the list….It is due by the JUNE Meeting!!
4. BBufo- barely begun UFO’s Whatever YOUR #4 is on the list….It is due by the April Meeting!!!
5. PIPs- projects in Process Whatever YOUR #5 is on your list…It is due by the MAY Meeting!
6. Wisps – works in slow process
7. Wivps-- works in very slow process
8. PIGS = projects in Grocery sacks
A BIG thank you to the refreshment committee in November: Dorrie Miller, Toni Phillips, and Sue Jusli.
The Quilt Show committee met and has begun work on the 2018 Quilt Show! Two challenges have been designed for the show:
Applique Challenge - Floral Applique Item of your choice. Hand or machine applique. Quilter's interpretation. (The planning team reserves the right to split the entries into more categories as needed.)
Garden Party Challenge- Floral themed item. The pattern and/or fabric should have a floral design. (Again, the team reserves the right to split entries into additional categories.) Quiltmakers' interpretation.
NO FRILLS RETREAT; March 17 & 18, 2018
Registration Forms are available from Michelle reed, Kevin Horst, or Betty Boreman. Get yours asap!
Sign up for members only is through January; then it is open to anyone until February 12. Come one day or both days!
Retreat will be held in Wooster, on Beall Avenue. We are able to bring snacks and beverages and a pot luck for lunch. Paper products will be provided.
Dresden Plate Handbag: November 4
The Monthly Ongoing Hand Workers will meet on the first Friday of each month from 9:00 to 11:50 at Parkview Christian Church, in the Fireside Room. Meeting dates for 2017: October 6, November 3, and December 1. (These dates are subject to change) Join us and bring your handwork of any kind (no sewing machines) a small snack to share, and show and tell. Guests are always welcome. Contact Sally Kitchen with any questions.
Each November we elect our new officers. Please be prepared to vote and support your guild.
Please see Becky Hamilton if you wish to use the guild’s AccuCut.
Quilting by the Mill, Sarah Bistline 10474 Old Mill Road, Spencer, Ohio 44275; 330-667-2257 or 330-606-6609. You need to have your backing 4” longer and wider than your top. Batting is available.
Spoke N Stitch, Kim Panter; 16780 Burkhart Road, Orrville, Ohio 44667. I am willing to pick up and deliver in the Wayne/Holmes area. Phone number; 330-682-0711 (home) and 330-601-6096 (cell) I have my cell with me all the time. Please give me a call!
barb’s Bobbin Box Sewing; Barb Byler; 239 Jane Drive, Smithville, Ohio 44677. I specialize in Memory t-shirt quilts and Memory Bears. I also quilt your tops. or 330-988-0992
Tree City Quilters’ Guild; Officers 2017
President: Sarah Bistline Vice President; Kay Nixon
Secretary; Shirley Rodgers Treasurer; Bev Fash
Members at Large; Mary Mahoney and Janet McFarland
Minutes: October Meeting
Sarah welcomed members and guests to the October meeting. Happy
Birthday 🎉 was sung to members born in October.
The secretary report was accepted by Kay and Dot. Correction was already done.
Bev gave the treasure report and was accepted by Sally and Laura.
Kim let us know that Toni Phillips' grandson passed away and will send her a
card. Please keep her in your prayers.
Laura reminded members about the Vintage Quilt display for the quilt show in
April. If anyone has any quilts made before 1960 please let her know. They will
be well taken care of.
Kay gave info for the Christmas 🎄 party. The challenge is Winter ❄️ Wonderland
Can be a table topper or wall hanging no longer then 36". It is pot luck bring your
own table service. There will be a gift exchange no more than $20, if you wish
to do so. Kay also set up the date for the 2018 Somewhere Sewing retreat
September 22 & 23. So mark those dates on your calendar.
Ruth checked on the baby quilts for 2018, taken care of and thanks Mary Lou
for making the labels. Ruth also read thank you notes for our demo at the
Fair and a person who attended the demo.
The 2019 retreat committee posted Quilt patterns for the members to vote
for quilting retreat classes. Registration open for members till January then
Open to everyone.
The no frills retreat March 17 & 18 there is a new form to fill out if you haven't
done so yet. Becky Hamilton will be teaching a class for "Witch Hazel" which
she showed at the meeting. The cost is $5 and the materials list is on back
of the new form.
Mary gave info on the Dresden plate handbag class she is teaching
November 4 from 10-4 in the fireside room samples were on the sign
In table.
The program presented by Kathy Karus and Code Quilts of the Civil War
was very interesting and informative. She explained the meaning of
different quilt patterns to let the salves know when it was safe to leave
thru the under ground railroad and had items from that time she
found in her travels.
UFO's were shown bring your UFO's to the next meeting time is just
about over to get them finished. Show and tell ended the meeting.
See you November 13 for last minute gift 🎁 ideas.
Monday, November 6, 2017
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